Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Another photo from last Sunday, as we celebrated Noah's birthday. I'm not quite sure why Aaron isn't in this one.

Oh and by the way, I don't type these posts in the middle of the night.
The times at the bottom of each post must be in American times zones or so. Right now it's just past 8AM here ;-)

I don't get enough sleep as it is and there's NO WAY I'd be on the computer in the middle of the night, missing out on more precious sleep.

Noah is one!!!!!!!!

Last Sunday, the 6th, was Noah's first birthday!!!

How blessed we were to be able to celebrate this milestone!
Of course Noah wondered what all the fuss was about but it was a special occasion for us ;-)

My friend Suzan threw him a little surprise party on Friday (left) and on Sunday we had a birthday cake at home (right).

He loved the chocolate cake but unfortunately his little stomach doesn't handle wheat yet, so it's not more cake (or bread or biscuits or anything else with wheat) for a while. Aaron was the same, so I've been there, done that.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


The picture above is one I took of the sunrise last Friday. It's the view from our topfloor, towards the ocean ;-)
We hardly ever get fog here but that morning the sun was peeking so beautifully through the fog that I just had to get the camera out. If you want a bigger version of this picture, just click on it.


Our oldest daughter just turned 11 on 21 April. Wow, she's getting so grown up.
She loves art and drama (acting). And as you can see, she now has glasses with purple lenses. We found out recently that she has Irlen syndrome.
It explains why she struggles so much with reading and gets very, very carsick, even on the shortest trips. These lenses will help correct the problem over time and in the mean time she gets to wear these cool glasses!
She says they are already making a difference!!!