Saturday, June 2, 2007

Noah is walking!!!!!!!!

Isn't he clever?!?
He's been practising for nearly a month, taking a step here and there. And then last Saturday (26 May) he really took off.
And now he's walking everywhere! Still with his arms up high a lot for balance ;-)

Less than 10 months ago, he could barely lift his head up, after the 2 heart surgeries he'd been through. His breastbone had been cut open twice, so it took a long time to heal.
And look at him now! Can you tell I'm proud of him? ;-)
We're all proud of him of course. He's pretty proud of himself too!
He had croup earlier this week. That comes with a horrible cough at night, it was awful. But he's much better now. He still has a runny nose but he's not coughing anymore.
I've discovered his little stomach doesn't handle wheat. Aaron was the same as a toddler, so I've been there, done that...
Noah is on a wheat free diet for now, hopefully he will grow out of it, just like Aaron.